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Showing posts from June, 2017

2 little blue lines

  For 3 years, I have been tracking my monthly cycle. I started because I was never quite sure when it would start. Granted, I am almost to the hour regular but couldn't ever calculate 28 days. So, for 3 years I have seen the balance of my body. And in a sense, I am blessed. I have friends who go months sometimes even longer without their period and the uneasy feeling that must come with that...I have never had to endure that particular unease.   Also, I have never taken birth control. Not just because I am staunch Catholic, I wasn't always, but because I heard it said best, "Birth control is the only medicine on the market that is to keep your body from working correctly." This post is not about other people and what they think about birth control. This is not about others using birth control. This is about me and me alone. I don't hold others up to any standard except that of which they are on. If not Catholic, then not to the Catholic standard. etc...   Whe...

The vocational sacrament of the Garners

  Every story, whether great or small, has 3 main parts: a beginning, a middle, and an end. And peppered throughout that story is conflict and resolution. Each character in the story is his own main actor. And in every story, a representation of thousands of stories are woven into someone's single larger story. My own personal story has been twisting and turning for a long time, and just 9 days ago encountered the largest plot twist to its main storyline. I got married.   I made a commitment to a man. To another human being, I pledged my never-ending love, honour, and support. I changed a concrete part of my identity. Those who know me, know that this step is one that was perhaps never coming. It never crossed my mind as an indelible decision to marry another person.    I don't have to go into the very nature of the man I married. If that has not been irrevocably clear the last 2 years, I have failed. But none-the-less, I am now a wife, and with that comes many m...

I'm getting married in the morning...

  Ding dong the bells are gonna chime! Pull out the stoppa! Let's have a whoppa...but get me to the church on time! I love this song from "My Fair Lady." I don't think I understood it quite as I do now. However, the difference is that my priest told me no booze. :-/ so... I'll save that for the 'morrow.   I remember just yesterday I was freaked that I had just became a fiancĂ©. Tomorrow, I become a wife! :-O And at the moment, all I can think about is taking a nap! I am so tired and so hyped up; I am not quite sure if sleep or insomnia will win out.   I keep thinking about my state of mind when I began this blog. I had just gotten out of a relationship, and was leaving for a much needed vacation from mind, body, and soul restlessness. And tomorrow, oddly enough, all of my past failed relationship issues will cease to matter. Granted, they haven't mattered for a long while, but especially when I walk down that isle, take his hand, promise to love him forev...