You always hear of things that cut to the very core of one's being. But, most of the time we don't entertain them. We give them little to no thought. Until we are caught in the middle of watching our soul being ripped in two right before our eyes, we can't imagine ourselves that broken. That it can happen to us. It can be anything really. It can be death; it can be depression; it can be any kind of action that drives us to feel fragmented. It can be at the hand of another, or a catastrophe of our own doing. It usually comes with a displace in trust, and a shattering of a perspective one thought untouchable. I spout often of the humanity of us all. How important it is for us to be truly human, but when that humanity flings its excrement in my face, I get shocked...why? Because of the insurmountable amount of pain caused, or because my words are more gilded than I truly believe them to be. This year has been the shits. From day one until now. It has been thi...