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Showing posts from October, 2016

The bitter taste of neediness

  I am woman...hear me roar! Okay, maybe not roar, especially since I have been dealing with major allergies this week. But still. Today, I have felt the bitter taste of neediness, and I am not quite sure I like it.   For the last several weeks, he has had to work weekends and I get exactly 1 solid day by his side. Had you asked me a year ago, I would have been fine with that. Now, I am not fairing so well. Granted, it could be because I have started my period and I have been known to get emotional, but even last weekend I felt this way.   "What way," you ask. That I am more invested in this relationship than him. Lately, I have wanted nothing more than to be by his side...touching him, making sure he is not a figment of my imagination, kissing him, holding hands, and all the typical emotional things vulnerable people want in a relationship. And I'm struggling.   Last weekend, although slightly under the influence of alcohol, I told him I wanted him to i...

Tears for President 2016

  Politics...politics...politics. It. Is. Everywhere. And I am tired. So very tired. I have read people deleting others on Facebook, unfollowing friends, I have even gone so far as to delete Facebook off of my phone's main screen because it is so infuriating. Alas, I have a habit and put my apps icon back where it goes.   And it all started when we all got super interested, as we do closer to a presidential election, in the next POTUS. Since I was young, I couldn't wait till I turned 18. I wanted more than anything to cast my vote and support women's suffrage. My mother, extremely political, taught my brother, extremely political, who taught me to BE extremely political. Politics has been ingrained in my nature. Honestly, I didn't have much of a choice seeing who my brother was. And I followed the political field closely as possible.   When Andy died, I continued my civic duty, voting every election possible, with fervor. However, as I have gotten older my media consu...