I have this picture as the background on my phone. It is of white boy giving his famous smirk. Mirrored, aviator glasses looking so chic. And I think, "What is it about this guy that makes him so special?"
I immediately think of his hands...so strong and calloused, a true testament to his strong and dedicated work ethic. I think of his eyes...so blue they blend in with the clear summer sky. I think of his smile...so genuine you can't replicate it. I think of his outlook on life...so mended it is pure.
In a sense, I think of many things when I look at a picture of him or even think of him. He is truly a good person. And he is mine. I don't consider myself to be a defensive or territorial person, by nature, but I know one thing...this man is mine. Granted, he alone belongs to God, but I get him next, and I have only felt that about one other being and that was my dog.
Often, J and I will talk about belonging to each other...a sense of personal entitlement of our physical selves to the other. He says I belong to him, body and soul, and he belongs to me, a thought often looked down upon in our society. But, I believe that we do belong to each other, and even more so 107 days from now when we pledge ourselves to each other before God and man.
This notion of what is so special about this man could be something so simple. But I can't believe that. His intricacies are intertwined with mine. His breaths are devoted to mine. His life is now destined to be pledged to me...and all of mine to him. The simple takes on a deeper meaning. You want to know what is simple? He loves me. He LOVES me. He...loves...me. Hands down...me. No questions. And I him.
Is love really that simple? Perhaps. Perhaps it is. Just maybe love, in its purest form, really is that simple. He told me once when I said love wasn't enough, "It is. I swear it is." I think I believe him. I think it could be just that simple.
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