Owen Hayes,
When I was a little girl on my birthday, Nanny would always recount to me my birth story. It was something I always looked forward to and always received without fail. It has been several years now since I have heard it, but could probably verbatim retell. As you get older, I plan to continue this tradition. I know that if I tried to tell you today, you would mumble something (maybe yell a little) put your hands down by your side, tilt your head down and walk away uninterested. So, instead I thought I would just share with you 2 of my favorite things about you...
1. Your magically infectious smile.
I never knew how good the feeling would be to have someone run up to you and just want love. I didn't think I could be someone's "favorite." Perhaps because I didn't understand it. Yes, I was your Uncle Andy's favorite, and I was your father's as well...but this is different. When you look at me, either when I pick you up from Nanny or Pop's house, or across the room, or in public...and we make that eye contact...that smile you flash me is heart-melting. A mother could ask for no more.
2. Your inquisitive spirit.
Since the moment you were born, you have always been so inquisitive. Always wanting to learn and grow and seek out new adventures. Your little teeth started coming in super fast. You wanted to hold your bottle by yourself at 3 months. You started walking at 9 months. You started babbling and talking, in your own way, very early. You are always willing to try new and exotic foods. Always the mover. Always the shaker. Keep it moving and shaking little one. You are going to do amazing things, and I am honored to see you grow and learn everything you can.
I will admit, I was terribly glad to come back to work when my time was up with you. You were so young, but I was not able to do the stay at home motherhood like a lot of my wonderful friends. I needed space from you and what you demanded of me. I do know that sounds harsh, but you forgave me and still wanted me when I was around. And slowly but surely I began to ache for you when you were away from me. I wasn't good alone with you, but I missed you. You have this pull on me that is indestructible. You have wound yourself around my heart like the strongest vine...and I miss you when you are not with me. In the mornings, when I get to wake you up, I get to see your first smile. When we put you to bed at night, I get your last kiss.
"You are easily the greatest thing I've ever created," and I couldn't be more honored to be your mother. Happiest of first birthday's my son. May it be filled with more things to smile about and more things to be inquisitive about. I will do my best to make your life the best it can be. I love you. I love you. I love you...and I will continue to love you all the days of my life. Happy birthday!
*your first picture as a 1 year old. <3 <3 <3
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