Things are fine. All is well. Couldn't be happier. The earth is spinning to my heart beat. Then it hits...something that makes me freeze and run. I ran today. I ran away from him because it is what I do. The difference from the past is that he didn't try to chase me. And although I felt the pull of the weight of the ring on my finger, I kept running. Because it is what I do. I run. And it made me feel... I don't know exactly how it made me feel. I used to be so used to running when shit got hard. It was easy because no one came after me. Usually, I would run when I realized there was no hope. This time, I chose to run because I didn't feel like facing things like an adult. He and I haven't gotten into many arguments. Maybe 3. Maybe... but today, I found something out that threw me for a loop. Something from the past but out of character, as he has about me. The obligatory learning of each other. I felt winded. The difference between the other times...