I just want to be loved and to love in return. It is the story in all of us. It has to be. But, when do we decide who gets that love? I am amazed at how easy it is to find the "love" we think we want...whether it be in an infatuation, or someone telling me I am what they want. That isn't the point at all. The point? Then? Who deserves that love. I set out on this journey of: "Whatever it costs" to see if I could sustain a sense of abandonment or a sense of enlightenment. What I have discovered about myself is this: I am a woman on a journey. I am a woman on a journey who is not sure where the twists and turns will lead, but prays they lead to the deeper romance she desires. Today, I was asked this, "What brings you to fulfillment?" I couldn't answer. Then I was asked this, "What brings you to pleasure." That is a much easier question to answer, because the answer is this: men desiring me. How simple...and yet how unfulfilling...