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125 days and 165 questions

  Oddly enough, my body has been breaking out more than usual. As a 31 year old, I find it odd when my body says, "Screw you!" And pops out a new pimple. *deep breath* Stress... I equate it to that. Today, on the "hitched" countdown, I have 125 days till I am no longer a single, unwed woman bearing her father's surname. *deep breath*
  And to mark this day, white boy and I had our first Pre-Cana (marriage prep) session. 165 questions...about everything. They asked about our place in line of birth, our physical comfort, our financial situation, our ideas of parenting, our religious beliefs, our responsibilities as lovers and bread winners. All the things were not left unturned.
  As I sat in the room down the hall from him answering my questions alone, I couldn't help but fill in each circle with ease and joy. Granted, I think I saw my hands shake a little, and my eye certainly twitched a few times at the reality that was taking place; however, I was enjoying the fact that down the hall he was probably answering strongly agree to questions such as: "I can't see myself being as happy with anyone else, and My future spouse and I can talk candidly about issues that bother us." No doubt...
  As we drove away, we spent a good deal of time talking about our answers eager to see the results from our assessment. I honestly had no idea what would entail. I walked in knowing I want to marry this man, but not knowing what questions were going to be asked. I don't know. I feel like I am rambling because the time is getting closer to the sacramental union I will share with another human being.
  I am scared. I will be the first to admit. He and I have often joked about the day of either me hyperventilating or not physically able to walk down the aisle. It takes me back to a year ago when he said his biggest fear was me not saying yes to if I would marry him, and if I did, then not being able to walk down the aisle to him. I am sure his fear is assuaged. I wear the ring and I have booked the hall. The hope now, for me, is that I will continue to feel the ease and joy I found today in knowing I am setting out to start a life with this man. The one who loves me. The one who accepts me. The one who nervously got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. It truly is a simple thing.
  For the next few months, life will get crazy. If you have any prayers, please send them our way. :) the journey is just getting started and it is getting more and more interesting.


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