This week has been epic. For not the first time, in the history of the United States, the culture has changed at the hands of the Supreme Court. We all know what happened. Some of us embrace it, and some of us don't. Some of us are thrilled beyond measure, and some of us are not. And, like all things, this created a worldwide social media frenzy. It wasn't until I got online that the negativity from both sides made my stomach churn. How could we? How could we, as humans who want nothing more than happiness, demean each other? For what reason, did I see many posts of people saying they blocked someone or un-friended them? For what reason do they tolerate and read countless mundane things from this person then when a difference of opinions arises...they no longer can tolerate the sight of their name? Here is a question, to you who call yourselves Christians: what makes you call out your fellow human beings spouting the idea of: love the sinner hate the sin when your...