It amazes me when things happen or show up that weren't there before. It's like when your arm is cold or numb and as it warms up or starts to wake up you get that tingly feeling. It's the one that tells you blood (or life) has started circulating again. I have heard that when you kiss someone, for the first time, if you don't get that tingly feeling then you obviously aren't with the right one. Personally, I tend to think that's bunk. I have a hard time believing in love at first sight and even more so tinglies at first kiss. But, as I held him, or more like he held me tonight, I got that tingly feeling. I got that feeling of life coursing out from my heart to the depths of me. It was a small shocking moment. I wonder if he noticed that I hugged him a bit tighter or I whispered "don't leave" into his bare chest. But, if he did feel it or did hear it his response, as in the past, is to cling tighter and whisper back: "never." Th...