My family has never been too big on holidays. Sure, we would go here or go there. We would usually be traveling to a family member's house for a meal and fellowship, but it was still not something that ever gave me warm and fuzzies. The most warm and fuzzies I ever got was sitting around the Christmas tree with my mom, my dad, and my brother opening gifts.
There was always one common thread: us 4. 5 years ago, that changed drastically. Since then, holidays have meant very little. So much that last year I spent Christmas at home by myself. I was fine. Little did I know that I would be cheated on ending up spending it in tears. The past is in the past. What I mean is this: Golden Coral has been a Thanksgiving or Christmas norm for me and my family for awhile.
I haven't looked forward to the holiday season in what seems like forever. This year...this year is different. For the first time, in such a long time, I am happy about the up coming season. I am eager even to spend my holidays with the man I love. And I couldn't be more thankful.
Tomorrow kicks off the beginning of our season. And we should give thanks to those that aren't just in our life but those that give us life.
Mom and dad. It's us. It will always be us. No matter where or how our is us. I love you both so much. And I am so blessed because of you both. Thank you.
White boy. I was so confused on how I could convince you to leave. I was so unsure of how we could even make it for a few days. You proved me so wrong in my thinking that we were not worth the time. You have become my rock. You have silently slid into the slot of my best friend. You have given me a reason to smile this holiday season. I love you, bee. And I am so blessed because of you. Thank you.
My family. You quirky, loveable weirdos. I wouldn't change you for the world. You keep my world fun. I love you all. And I am so blessed because of all of you. Thank you.
My friends. You have all kept me personally honest with myself and the world. You challenge me to believe in something bigger. You accept me for who I am in spite of knowing I am going to make mistakes. And I am blessed because of all of you. Thank you.
My heavenly Father. You formed me. You gave me everything I have, and loved me first. You gave me my brother and are keeping him in safe keeping till we meet again. And I am so blessed. Thank you.
Happy Thanksgiving. I pray your holiday season is filled with light and love. Be blessed, friends as I am blessed.
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