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Stuck in the middle with you...

  I had never been so persued. I found it truly flattering, even though he was someone I would NEVER date. He was a country music listening, small town living, Budweiser drinking, persistent when I didn't want him to be young man, and I did NOT want to go have drinks with him. He bugged me about it for at least 3 months. Till I found myself single, independent, and carefree, I did not take him up on his offer. Until the night of June 3rd.
  One year ago, white boy and I went on our first outting. If you ask me, it was a hang out. If you ask him, it was a date. Looking back, I am acquiesced to both. It was a hang out that turned into a date. And it started me on a long path to self discovery, painful healing, and falling in love with the man who makes me a better woman.
  He had taken me to the casino. It wasn't the first time I had been there, and although it was not my cup of tea, I was having a great time. Don't tell him, but mainly because I caught him staring at me so often. You should have seen him. He was so smitten! I had never felt so gracefully adored. It was cute, and I ran with it. Although I knew this man liked me, I explicitly informed him I was NOT interested in being in a relationship with anyone. I told him I would probably not date him, but hanging out with him as friends was certainly not out of the question. He was nice enough.
  Then I kissed him. Why? Chalk it up to curiosity and booze. I was leaning against the chair of man who couldn't stop staring and on more than one occasion that night told me, "You're just so beautiful." **flattery got him somewhere** So, naturally, I kissed him. Because I could. The moment I did, I thought back to my co-worker's last words before I left for the evening, "Don't hurt him, Aly. He's a great guy." It wasn't that it was my intention to hurt him, I just knew that at one point...I would. It was an inevitable fact.
  Then he kissed me back. Over and over we kissed. We held each other's hand and walked through the casino. Immediately, his chest was more puffed out and his ego blew up. It was as though he was escorting the Queen of Sheba. But it was me. Just me. It was an honor and a scare. I didn't know how hooked I would get to this man. I didn't know that one year from then I would be wearing a ring that pledges my love to him and his to me. I didn't know then that in 2 year's time I would be walking down the isle.
  Here we are... in the middle. One year ago we had our first outing. One year from now we will have our wedding. It is such an honor to be stuck in the middle with this man, and I grow more deeply in love with him. He makes me super sappy, and although it is much easier to admit it on here than it is in person, it is simply truth.
  Baby bee, here is to many many more June 3rds. I do hope I never get unstuck from you. Be blessed as I am. And know that I love you more than I truly thought I was capable of... :)


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