"It took me a long time and most of world to learn what I know about love and fate and the choices we make, but the heart of it came to me in an instant, while I was chained to a wall and being tortured. I realised, somehow, through the screaming in my mind, that even in that shackled, bloody helplessness, I was still free: free to hate the men who were torturing me, or to forgive them. It doesn't sound like much, I know. But in the flinch and bite of the chain, when it's all you've got, that freedom is a universe of possibility. And the choice you make, between hating and forgiving, can become the story of your life." ~Gregory David Roberts
I ran across this quote in a book I began a few days back. Although it has everything to do with the book itself, the quote, in actuality, has more to do with life in general. I have never considered myself to be chained and unable to not do what I want. Most that know me, understand that I am one who does what she wants. I consider myself to have a grand amount of freedom. But so does everyone.
After reading this quote, I realized that freedom isn't just a bodily or action word. It can be completely mental. Often we hear of advice that says, "choose to think differently," or "choose to believe in yourself." And although these are cliche things, they are a direct relation to the freedom we have as human beings. I wonder if people get tired of me talking about the human inalienable rights that we have. For what exactly do I mean?
Inalienable means unable to be taken away. Rights that are given to living, breathing creatures just because they are living and breathing. When I say these things...I mean: the right to do as you want with complete acceptance of you as a person; the right to say or think what you want without repercussions as a person; the right to believe in anything or anyone without backlash as a person. Now, does this mean that we don't have consequences? Absolutely not! But it does mean that because we are humans we deserve respect, even when there are people who don't agree with us.
The freedom to unabashedly choose to do as we wish is a glorious thing that I pray I never take for granted. I use to think that if there was some thought or action that I had kept a secret from another living person, then I was doing something wrong. I no longer think this way. We are allowed the right to share or not share things about ourselves. We should not be looked down upon because we choose to keep a part of ourselves to ourselves. I have finally come to the realization that it is okay not to be a free book that can be checked out and glanced through without my permission. What I choose to share or not share about my life is only my choice.
I must admit that there have been things in my past that I have kept from some people, and just this morning, I was asked a question that would assuage someone's thoughts and beliefs toward me and my actions...but it would only cause me pain. In one moment...I forgave someone and realized that I didn't have to explain myself. The freedom to hate this person or forgive them was mine. It was my freedom. And I chose to forgive, but I didn't have to. And perhaps I will have to wake up for awhile and chose to forgive them knowing that I was treated abhorrently. But in the end...the choice was and is mine. It is my freedom, and no one can take it from me.
Vague?? Ha! Damn, I am really good at vagueposts!
I ran across this quote in a book I began a few days back. Although it has everything to do with the book itself, the quote, in actuality, has more to do with life in general. I have never considered myself to be chained and unable to not do what I want. Most that know me, understand that I am one who does what she wants. I consider myself to have a grand amount of freedom. But so does everyone.
After reading this quote, I realized that freedom isn't just a bodily or action word. It can be completely mental. Often we hear of advice that says, "choose to think differently," or "choose to believe in yourself." And although these are cliche things, they are a direct relation to the freedom we have as human beings. I wonder if people get tired of me talking about the human inalienable rights that we have. For what exactly do I mean?
Inalienable means unable to be taken away. Rights that are given to living, breathing creatures just because they are living and breathing. When I say these things...I mean: the right to do as you want with complete acceptance of you as a person; the right to say or think what you want without repercussions as a person; the right to believe in anything or anyone without backlash as a person. Now, does this mean that we don't have consequences? Absolutely not! But it does mean that because we are humans we deserve respect, even when there are people who don't agree with us.
The freedom to unabashedly choose to do as we wish is a glorious thing that I pray I never take for granted. I use to think that if there was some thought or action that I had kept a secret from another living person, then I was doing something wrong. I no longer think this way. We are allowed the right to share or not share things about ourselves. We should not be looked down upon because we choose to keep a part of ourselves to ourselves. I have finally come to the realization that it is okay not to be a free book that can be checked out and glanced through without my permission. What I choose to share or not share about my life is only my choice.
I must admit that there have been things in my past that I have kept from some people, and just this morning, I was asked a question that would assuage someone's thoughts and beliefs toward me and my actions...but it would only cause me pain. In one moment...I forgave someone and realized that I didn't have to explain myself. The freedom to hate this person or forgive them was mine. It was my freedom. And I chose to forgive, but I didn't have to. And perhaps I will have to wake up for awhile and chose to forgive them knowing that I was treated abhorrently. But in the end...the choice was and is mine. It is my freedom, and no one can take it from me.
Vague?? Ha! Damn, I am really good at vagueposts!
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