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"To be or not to be..."

   In the famous lines from Act 3 Scene 1 in Shakespeare's Hamlet, we hear the contemplation of suicide: "To be or not to be...that is the question." And what a powerful question that is.
   All over social media we have been privy to the not so secret decision made by Brittany Maynard to end her life. And what a horrifically tragic story this is. So what is the right attitude or stance we should have concerning this beauitful, young girl who decided to take her life?
   I remember several years back I watched a documentary on Dr. Kevorkian aka Dr. Death. It was a look into his methods of assisted suicide. And as I watched this video I couldn't help but mentally stand behind the actions of this doctor. And up until the point he made it a political issue, I supported him. I still do.
   Now, whether you think one way or another, let me say one thing...I don't think suicide is God's perfect will for our lives, but His perfect will wasn't for Brittany Maynard to be diagnosed with terminal cancer either. Does that make her decision right or wrong? I personally don't think it makes it any of our business, and the only reason we have made it our business is because Brittany decided to share with the world her situation.
    I have always been under the belief that suicide was a selfish way to end one's life. Why? Because even though the pain of that person ceases, the pain of those left here continues. There is not just one person involved in suicide...there is an entire community. With a growing number of people that are diagnosed with severe depression and those that go undiagnosed, the rate of suicide will only increase, and with laws that have been passed such as the one in Oregon, the rate will go up because of that reason as well. So who is to say which cases of depression or illness are worthy of euthanasia, suicide, or assisted suicide?
   I see no heart conviction toward wanting to die with dignity as this young woman did. I see no reason why she had to wait out for her physical body to expire knowing that within a short period it would anyway. I see why no person would stand up to her and deny her the right to this act. Why do we try so hard to govern a person's right to do what they want with their selves? You say that this is a slippery slope into allowing a woman to get an abortion...That's just it: she can. A woman can get an abortion which I find heinous, since another life is involved, and yet she can't take her own life (just hers) into her own hands...makes little to no sense.
   I know of no one who is dying of a terminal disease, so how dare I make the assumption we know what was best for her? Have I ever had the thoughts of suicide? Of course! Frankly...who hasn't, but it wasn't a thought that I needed to give heed to, because I wasn't dying, I just desired death...there is a difference.
   I guess all I am saying is that I stand behind the decision she made. Her family, although dealing with the repercussions of her decision, I am sure had a say in this the end of the day that's all that matters. We must stand behind them and pray for her soul and all those who have made the decision to end their life and those who have decided to wait until God pulls the last breath they have from their body.


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