"And I've come to pour my praise on Him like oil..." " My son , do you believe that you are truly called by God and his Church to this priesthood?" Tonight, we celebrated two beautiful things: the blessing of the oils and the renewing of the priestly vows to celibacy and obedience. This was one of my brother's favorite masses, and mine as well. I love seeing all the priests of the diocese up on the altar, after renewing their promise to the Church and the bishop, concelibrating the Mass. It is a beautiful example of the lives these men have given for their community and the Church. Tonight, the bishop blessed the oils we use in the anointing of the sick, the anointing of the Catechumens for baptism, and the anointing of the priests/deacons at ordination and those who come into the faith. Three sacraments with these sacramentals. What beauty! In the early church, the Christians would use olive oil for many purposes, and in scripture, w...