I really really dis-like generalizations. I do understand that in today's society, we generalize almost as often as we breathe, and sometimes I wonder if we even think before we speak. I have come across, myself included, generalizing about a group of people, and then trying to backpedal, only to have myself dig a bigger hole before I started talking.
ISIS...All Moslems agree with ISIS, and want to hurt Americans, and especially infidels: those who don't believe in the "one true faith." Yeah...no. This wasn't ever something I thought twice about til I began dating a Moslem. Shocked? Yeah, well a lot of people are. But, now when I hear things of this nature, it hurts me. It hurts me because I know how abhorrently wrong this statement truly is. I know for a fact that the Moslem I am dating, is kind and generous and an amazing man who is passionate about his faith, you know...the faith that believes there is no one as benevolent as the Almighty God.
Pedophiles...All Catholic priests are undercover pedophiles. If I hear this one more time in my life, I might just go postal. How sad that we accuse men of the cloth giving up the sacrament of marriage so that they can take advantage of little children. I have never met a priest that has been accused of molesting a small child. I have met hundreds of priests who are genuinely fantastically dedicated people to their faith. Men who have given up all to be married to the Church. I remember when my brother had decided to become a priest, and join seminary our friends would joke and ridicule him and say things to him that were (to me now) completely inappropriate. I hate those particular memories.
Money grabbers...All Evangelical preachers are money grabbers. I think this is one that I have, in the past, been guilty of. I put this one on my list, because I couldn't be the one to lay out the ones that I hate, and not include something that I have also done. I have spent some real time thinking about generalizing and I am truly sorry for believing that this could perhaps be truth. It is false, and there are some amazing preachers, my grandparents included, who have dedicated their entire life to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. And never once was money the thought that kept them going...no, it was the beauty of grace.
I wrote these down because they are all near and dear to me in some aspect. I do realize that when we don't understand something or find something uncomfortable we will joke and have fun at the expense of someone who is in a category that is different than us, but I am learning the power that words hold over us. I have been guilty of powerfully negative words too, and I am sorry if I have spent any time hurting people for my own benefit.
I wrote about Moslems because now more than ever I fear that what people hear in the media will sensationalize the idea that my bf is ISIS or will one say become ISIS. Even if he were from the Middle East, which he isn't, that still gives no one the right to speak ill about someone I care about especially when they don't know him. I wrote about priests because I am Catholic...through and through. I love my faith, and I believe that when you speak ill of one Catholic you speak ill of me. That may not be someone's intention but it is the end result. I wrote about preachers, mainly inferring mega church preachers, because this is my downfall. And more than spreading truth to other people, I must speak the truth myself, and hold myself more accountable than any other person.
One day, I think that people will realize that to think before they speak is a much more kosher way of living. Why do we hurt people with our words? Because we are hurting. I remember the ex ex tell me the way he fights is when he is in pain he tries to find the most hurtful thing he can find so that the other person will be as in as much pain as he is. I think he was more true in that statement than most people are willing to accept. I have noticed myself doing this at times. I hurt...so I will hurt you. How sad.
I do believe it would just be easier if we could say why we are in pain so that we don't generalize and put people in a category that sets them apart. For aren't we all flesh and blood? And aren't we to love all peoples? That's what I thought...
ISIS...All Moslems agree with ISIS, and want to hurt Americans, and especially infidels: those who don't believe in the "one true faith." Yeah...no. This wasn't ever something I thought twice about til I began dating a Moslem. Shocked? Yeah, well a lot of people are. But, now when I hear things of this nature, it hurts me. It hurts me because I know how abhorrently wrong this statement truly is. I know for a fact that the Moslem I am dating, is kind and generous and an amazing man who is passionate about his faith, you know...the faith that believes there is no one as benevolent as the Almighty God.
Pedophiles...All Catholic priests are undercover pedophiles. If I hear this one more time in my life, I might just go postal. How sad that we accuse men of the cloth giving up the sacrament of marriage so that they can take advantage of little children. I have never met a priest that has been accused of molesting a small child. I have met hundreds of priests who are genuinely fantastically dedicated people to their faith. Men who have given up all to be married to the Church. I remember when my brother had decided to become a priest, and join seminary our friends would joke and ridicule him and say things to him that were (to me now) completely inappropriate. I hate those particular memories.
Money grabbers...All Evangelical preachers are money grabbers. I think this is one that I have, in the past, been guilty of. I put this one on my list, because I couldn't be the one to lay out the ones that I hate, and not include something that I have also done. I have spent some real time thinking about generalizing and I am truly sorry for believing that this could perhaps be truth. It is false, and there are some amazing preachers, my grandparents included, who have dedicated their entire life to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. And never once was money the thought that kept them going...no, it was the beauty of grace.
I wrote these down because they are all near and dear to me in some aspect. I do realize that when we don't understand something or find something uncomfortable we will joke and have fun at the expense of someone who is in a category that is different than us, but I am learning the power that words hold over us. I have been guilty of powerfully negative words too, and I am sorry if I have spent any time hurting people for my own benefit.
I wrote about Moslems because now more than ever I fear that what people hear in the media will sensationalize the idea that my bf is ISIS or will one say become ISIS. Even if he were from the Middle East, which he isn't, that still gives no one the right to speak ill about someone I care about especially when they don't know him. I wrote about priests because I am Catholic...through and through. I love my faith, and I believe that when you speak ill of one Catholic you speak ill of me. That may not be someone's intention but it is the end result. I wrote about preachers, mainly inferring mega church preachers, because this is my downfall. And more than spreading truth to other people, I must speak the truth myself, and hold myself more accountable than any other person.
One day, I think that people will realize that to think before they speak is a much more kosher way of living. Why do we hurt people with our words? Because we are hurting. I remember the ex ex tell me the way he fights is when he is in pain he tries to find the most hurtful thing he can find so that the other person will be as in as much pain as he is. I think he was more true in that statement than most people are willing to accept. I have noticed myself doing this at times. I hurt...so I will hurt you. How sad.
I do believe it would just be easier if we could say why we are in pain so that we don't generalize and put people in a category that sets them apart. For aren't we all flesh and blood? And aren't we to love all peoples? That's what I thought...
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