There are moments that just seem all too surreal. It is those moments when you are having a great time, and then something immediately breaks your heart. It is like that zemblanity I spoke of last week. It is a thing you would rather not know, when you are having a great time. How quickly things can turn.
Tonight, I had the opportunity to go out with a dear dear friend, okay, the ex. Call it what you will and without there being any awkwardness it was a pleasant time. I was completely enjoying myself. Now, you may think that I shouldn’t or it was stupid, but whatevs, it is what it is, and I won’t take it back. I am glad I went and we had a good time. It was an opportunity to see a side of Houston I haven’t seen since his brother lives here, and he used to.
Things were good, and I happened to look at my phone, and I had received a message from my mom telling me my first boss, and all around amazing man had passed from this life to the next. Talk about a fucking chest blow! Wait...what?! He is dead? As in in...what the hell?! I hit my moment. Hadn’t we just been talking about Houston and all the cool areas and the things this city has to offer? Wasn’t our conversation just light and joyous? But I have a different reality. I just…
I am sorry. My world is a little odd shaped at the moment. If you can’t make sense of this post, know that there isn’t much sense in my head. From a wonderful evening with him to a horrible evening in my mind with the other. I just...well, to be honest, I am sitting here and still in complete shock. I mean, I get that it all happened, the happiness and the heartbreak, and I get that they happened at the same time, but I still can’t wrap my mind around the fact that it happened at all.
My mother called, and while trying to tell me what happened, I made a choice. I knew that this information would be there tomorrow, and I knew that I would be able to hear more in detail when I could focus better, but I might not get the chance to hang with the ex for sometime, so I wanted to make sure that the heartbreak didn’t cloud the happiness. So, I told my mom that I didn’t want to hear anymore and I wasn’t in a position to listen to her any longer.
Now that I am home, I can try to piece together what I know and how the evening progressed, and I am not getting very far. I think...I think that I just need to go to bed.
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