I have always been a quiet and secretive person. I believe it comes from my family living with secrets. But, even so, we as humans keep secrets that we think will make us look diminished to someone we love or care for. And even though it is my goal in life to be as open and honest as possible, I still fail. I still find myself harboring some little part of myself from people that I think might judge me.
This probably seems completely unlike my character, but it is true. I do this thing...where I do not offer information to someone, but if asked a question will be completely open and honest. I guess that could be considered to some an omission of lies, but I say this, "If you wanna know, just ask."
I had the privilege of reading a dear friend's blog this afternoon that shook the idea of candor to the core. I have no reason to delve into the life of this friend, but from the moment I read it, I was blown away. This subtle means, of expressing what was buried in his soul, gave me such a platform of respect for this person. Not that it didn't already exist, but it gave me the more desire to live my life according to the candor of which he lives.
Am I there? Not quite...I don't think most people are. I would venture to say that even those who wear their emotions and heart on their sleeve, are people that still in the deep and dark recesses of their soul still hold onto a part of them that makes them hide. But this something doesn't have to be big or new...it can be small and old. Meaning that the things we hide can be so buried in the past and not an issue concerning our lives we live now, but they still exist.
I guess I have always wondered if it is truly necessary to share every little dark and foreboding thing that we harbor? I don't think so...I am beginning to think that the things we hide that eat away at our very being are the things we need to share. Because the saddest part is when we accidentally let them out without guiding them to the right ears.
As I was reading this friend's blog I thought, "Damn! What complete candor." I know I shouldn't say that I was proud of this friend. But I am...I am damn proud! If he ever reads this I hope he knows that nothing matters in life than being who we were made to be. All and complete! In the face of adversity...we strive and we overcome! I truly one day hope to be like this kindred spirit. What a humble and honest thing he set out to do, and he accomplished!
Be blessed friend!!
Thanks for your love and friendship, Alysse. I am honored to know you and beyond blessed to consider you a dear friend. This post has me speechless and that is a rare thing. But simply and as inadequate as it seems: "Thank you!"