I miss the days when I could log onto the internet and read a well thought out or perhaps hilarious blog post written by a dear friend. It was usually the highlight of my day. Then I could respond in kind with a deep and meaningful post of my own and get a equally deep response from a friend. Without fail, the topic of said posts would be conversation pieces between the people I dedicated a lot of my time to.
I miss the days when what was said between my community of friends was worth reading and responding to. I am not saying that Facebook is not a place where friends can not have a conversation, but it is such a public forum that sentiment and heartfelt responses get lost. It is a place that people can misconstrue what is said. Did this happen on Xanga? Probably, but how often did you hear of someone getting bent up over a Xanga post.
I miss the days when friends who I smoked hookah with on Friday nights were the ones that would entertain me through the week with funny blog posts. These days, most of the people I interact with on a truly daily or weekly basis have no face on Facebook. I mostly talk to complete acquaintanced "strangers. This doesn't bother me, no I embrace it, but how sad that I don't get to know the day to day grind of which they live.
I miss the days when you could search and find someone on Xanga with similar interests and talents. I can't remember the number of people I got to know quite intimately through dialogues of literature, scripture, and philosophy. The odd intimacy that you could have with someone half way across the world.
I miss the days when there would be groups on a social media site that shared so much commonality. Perhaps this exists on Facebook, but I bet that it pales in such comparison to what Xanga was that at the end of the day the common group you are a part of on Facebook has at least one person that "grinds your gears."
I just miss it. I miss the people who were with me on that site, even though we are so different and disconnected (some of us) and gone from this life (some of us) and we are living far apart (some of us.) This is Aly being reminiscent of the good ol' Xanga days...someone should bring those back.
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