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The noonday demon

     In the late 3rd century, a group of hermits from Egypt decided to move into the desert and live the ascetic lifestyle; they became known as the desert fathers. It was these monks and religious that dedicated their life to prayer and worldly abstinence. Now, I could never do this. Ever. Acedia is considered, not in the same name, one of the seven deadly sins outlined by the Catholic Church and most Christian texts. A few years ago, I read a book entitled, "Acedia and Me." This novel, written by Kathleen Norris, outlines what the desert fathers coined "the noonday demon" or as it is more commonly known: sloth.
     As a writer, she found it hard, even in the most busy of lifestyles to get up and do what she must in order to feel as though she accomplished something. I have always been one to immediately call myself lazy, but sloth is a harsh term. What constitutes one a sloth? For in sloth do we not need to be complacently accepting of our inactivity?
     The desert fathers claimed that it was in the heat of the day or "noonday" that this acedia would enter into the camp of their mind and set up tent. It was after the morning prayers were complete, their lunch eaten and the beginning of afternoon hours that nothingness set in. It was also called the "soul death" because in those few hours between afternoon time and evening prayer the thoughts of sleepiness and debilitating laziness would take root.
      Norris writes of this as something that we as humans practice quite frequently without realizing the damaging outcry of our soul to spiritual or physical activity. Norris claims, and I imagine it to be true, that a simple act of purgative practice can in fact stave off the noonday demon. The desert fathers were ones to cultivate their own food and live the very pious lifestyle of living off the earth. It is documented that these men and women would work the earth when found entertaining this demon. 
      But for someone like me, who doesn't live in the desert, and who doesn't like gardening (yuck!) I find it much easier to join in the collective community. I go somewhere; I do something; I begin to live again. When I find that these thoughts, and they don't come often, enter in the forefront of my mind, I try to not give them personal credence. 
      Why do I even bring this up? Because...I love the word acedia, and the idea that Americans are falling deeper and deeper into this weakened state of existence makes me sad. 


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