I am aware that this blog post will be hurtful and perhaps a little over my head, but the topic came up tonight when speaking with a friend and I have been ruminating on it...so I thought I would write my thoughts. I want to preface this with: I have never been raped, but know someone very very dear to me that has and so I am not the be all end all of this subject, but I realize how real and scary it is. I also have no data whatsoever... That being said, I want to address this new "nail polish" that was created by 4 college students from North Caroline State University. Just recently these 4 gentlepeople invented a nail polish that detects several known date rape drugs including Rohypnol, xanax, and GHB. Essentially, this polish when worn by a person can detect the presence of these drugs by dipping the finger in the drink. It turns the polish black indicating the presence of said drug. When I first heard about...