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Brown, dotted, and witty

       I think I found him. He is brown (the right kind), and funny. But he isn't just the kind of funny that is an every day haha. No, not this one. He is witty which requires intelligence. And man can we banter. Back and forth and back and forth, and he never misses a beat. I will admit, I can be an asshole at times. So much so, that if I don't watch it, I can hurt someone's feelings, just by bantering. But never do I do it intentionally. Well, okay, it is usually intention, but I will never set out to hurt someone's feelings. I banter with people unless I know it will hurt. I expect the same from people. I guess this is what you get when you are practically around guys all the time in your formidable years.
        Anyway...back to Mr. Awesome. I totes dig this guy. And it isn't just this high lofty desire for the dot in my life, it actually exists. He exists. What a relief. I remember telling the brown one (that's the ex ex for those of you who don't know) that I was into dots (Indians from India.) He was convinced I'd never meet one. I told him to shove it. Well, looky here, brown guy, they do Tulsa no less. Wish I could just shove it under his nose. But, being the Colombian narcissist that he was he would prolly tell me it smelled like curry. Grrr...he too was an ass. That is probably why he and I were so fiery together, and dang was it fun.
         I keep getting distracted. Maybe because I am just in bliss thinking that my skin next to his is what I have always wanted to stare at for the rest of my life. Have you ever seen a mixed child? They are beautiful! A dot with a whitey? Yes, please! Think of the adorable little half babies that will run around with our mixed skin tone. And to think...he was born in India. Can it get much better than that? I mean come on! If you know me at all, you would know that this post is not made up at all. It sounds a little facetious. Okay, maybe a lot, but it isn't. It is very legit and very real. I like dots. I like dot culture. I just do.
         I think someone once asked me why I like the Indian culture so much and where the like came from. Don't laugh...but it first came around when I watched the Sixth Sense and saw a picture of M. Night Shyamalan. I thought he was the prettiest thing I had ever seen. From then on...I was hooked. I would always be a lover of the Indian man, food, music, and culture. And now I have found someone who exudes that who has an accent to boot! Woot!
         But there is a problem. The same problem I keep running into. He is Muslim. I am Catholic. We had this conversation tonight, and it came up about either of us converting. Obviously, I tried to get him to come my way, and he the other. Yeah...we decided we weren't going to get married next week then. Just kidding. Anyway. But no. You see, my desire is to share the one thing in my life that is most important to me: my faith. However, the next thing I asked him was if he would marry a non Muslim. His response: "Only a Christian or a Jew." I think I felt about 3 inches tall. Sometimes I wonder why it is so easy for people to do something that is perfectly fine. How come he gets to marry a Christian or a Jew and I can't marry a Muslim? Well, I could. Yes, the choice is mine. 
        When he told me this, all I could think is if I am the bigot. Am I the one who is not accepting of him and others? *Sigh* Do I plan to go out with this guy on a date? Heck yes! We already have a list of must do's! But we both know that I ain't switching and neither is he. He will remain Muslim, and I will stay Catholic. continues. Damn.


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