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     Leviticus 19:28: "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD." 

     That sounds pretty straight forward to me. So why have I spent at least 800$ give or take 50 bucks on tattoos? I mean I obviously care what scripture says, but I have blatantly gone against the "inspired word of God." What a hot topic! Let me preface with this: I LOVE tattoos! I always have; I always will. I can't say that I won't get anymore. My question is this: why is it still so offensive to Christians today?

      I was always writing on my skin. From an early age, I could be found with ink all over me in different pictures and words and sayings. I knew that I would one day make the choice to have a permanent mark on my body that I was not born with. I craved it! Even though I knew what the society of which I was raised thought about them...I didn't care. I still don't. 
      Tattoos have been used for hundreds and hundreds of years. They have been used for sacramental purposes, tribal passages, medical distinguishing, ranks in battle, and other various purposes. Today, tattoos are mainly used to symbolize something that is very important to a person. For instance, I had the chi rho (one of the most ancient Christian symbols) placed on my right upper chest when I became Catholic. I desired a physically indelible mark to be placed on skin to represent the invisibly indelible mark that came with my confirmation.
       Was this necessary? Obviously not, but I got it anyway. It goes along with the other 5 that I bear. I remember when I got my first. I was 20, and I told my family that I was on my way to get my first tattoo. I won't go into why I got it or what it was, but the reactions I received from my family were all so different, and still to this day entertaining. My father asked me why I didn't just get one stamped across my forehead. My brother was disappointed I got one at all. My mother's reaction was the funniest, " is bigger than I thought." But all in all...they came around. Perhaps because it wasn't the last.
        When I left for my vacation this summer, I walked called back to the folks, "Don't be surprised if I come back with some ink." I didn't, but they didn't blink an eye. It is something I do when I want and how often I want. 
        This scripture, part of the inspired word of God, starts with cutting of the flesh. But Leviticus doesn't stop continues with beard trimmings, shellfish eating (ew), piercings, and other things that "I'm holy cause I don't have a tattoo" Christian's do. So, why is this one such a big damn deal? Because people want to make it a deal. I will forever advocate to have tattoos and as many as you want. Do it...who freaking cares? God? Uh...doubtful. 
       If crazy Christians would stop caring so much about what people put on their skin and care more about the judgement that comes out of their mouth I highly doubt we would have such a rift between those with faith and those without. If it bothers you that someone is inked up...get over it. It isn't your body. No one is telling you to get a tattoo. Save that for when you refuse your "mark of the beast." 
       I bring this up because I was reading a blog about this topic and I ran across this non-judgemental point of view: "The clear statement from the word of God does not settle anything for this generation of disobedient, carnal, worldly, tolerant, non-judgmental, Christians. Rather than obey God, they run miles and miles and miles to "justify" their open disobedience to the Word of God." 
      Ugh! Really now? So because I have tattoos I am disobedient, carnal, worldly, tolerant, non-judgemental? I'll take the last two...thanks =) But's annoying. I still get looks from people. It entertains me. 
      And for everyone who asks this question: "What if you don't like them when you are 70 years old?" My answer is always this: "Then I will have had 50 years of enjoyment. And I can't wait to share with my grand kids (if I have kids who have kids) each story and meaning behind every ink mark on my body. 


  1. The funest thing I ever saw in regards to tattoos said "I promote green living, tattoos are biodegradable. " I'm with you on this. I love my ink. They are little reminders to me to be myself. They will become like me when I pass, ashes. So ashes to ashes it will be.


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